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У меня вопрос: менч не загружает эротические сцены, для меня это просто черный экран, или я должен купить его в магазине, чтобы увидеть их?

может быть они не загрузили арты. ближе к концу чаще появляется просто текст, скорее всего сцены не готовы просто 

а так игра бесплатна, разве что за подписку на патреоне быстрее обнову получаешь


Hearing for new updates for my beloved girlies Kate and Violet , I must wait patiently for them to be released in public!!!<3333

Things should be more stable around then too.


Decided to support for a month to get the update. Hope it will be worth it.


Thank you! I hope you enjoy it!

Love the game and looking forward to more updates, the violet route is great. Just wondering is there going to be anyway to get back kenzie later in the game? 

There will!

(2 edits)

Wanted to say that I'm waiting for new update I love this game so much

I enjoyed it a lot seriously thank you and I want to say that if it is possible can you adf more in violet route? And another question is that when will the next update comes out?This game is great.. I can't wait for new update 


The next update will be on April 1st for Patrons.
The next public update will be a few months from now.

I've played this game a couple of times already but  my Android phone is pretty bad and can't install the new version, is there a way to get any older versions of the game?

To save cloud space older versions get deleted since they're obsolete.
Have you deleted everything Uni related before trying to install a new version? I've heard that can help sometimes.

Yes I have tried deleting everything uni related but it seems like it doesn't help, guess I just have to upgrade my phone

Android is very difficult to address issues with since there are any number of reasons that can vary from phone to phone.
Wish we could help further.

How do you go down the Kate route? I only have the first 2 pictures of her in the gallery and i have no idea how to open the rest of them

Her Romance route is triggered by going down the cafe route, and not doing anything to advance the corruption route.

thank you


Okay, so I've mostly finished the current content (0.44 android). Here's my final thoughts.

I understand that you want to make the endings/routes monoamorous because it means you don't have to make as much content, but honestly the way this is done in game is unrealistic. Matt should be pushing you to corrupt the girls for him, not just ntring them; Violet's treatment of Kate is completely out of character - she hates assholes, not cutiepies, and the MC isn't allowed to even try to get both of them (and the dialogue is really weird for an MC played fully as polyamorous); and Matthew and Kate should at least be amiable. Instead, somebody is made into an asshole and the game forces mono-routes for future updates even though it's not even close to done yet.

The above is also a symptom of the main issue with the game, which is a lack of interconnectivity. Romance routes are kept mostly separate outside of breakups, clubs have no relationship with the rest of the story, bakery being disconnected from the rest of the city while the cafe route bounces around the city is weird,  and the absolute obliteration of Matt makes any future content with Kenzie seem non-threatening.

Some other interconnectivity or logic problems:

1. As I said before, Bakery should come directly after Cafe, this is better for the story in multiple ways.

2. There should be an option to go undercover in the bar, instead of destroying all relationships.

3. As above, choosing a relationship destroys friendships completely.

4. Even if you don't let us join multiple clubs, we should still be seeing club members out and about.

5. As suggested before, time of day for clubs should not be the same as events.

6. There should really be hints for missing scenes.

7. How the heck did Violet clean the apartment and not find the dog collar?!

8. As an addendum to #1, Kate is too much of a central character to not be accessible just because you chose Bakery. Bakery doesn't give enough content to compensate for its restrictions.

9. If a straight A student can complete homework without changing time of day, why can't it be done at night?

10. Event dialogue doesn't recognize order of events. For instance, I got with Kate before Violet, but the dialogue suggested the opposite.

11. There should be a dom/sub hybrid option for Violet.

12. Don't let your dreams be dreams. 

Now, on the flipside, there's some shining gems this game has that I love.

1. No animated scenes, so dev time isn't being wasted. That's good.

2. Mia's hairstyle changing... This is great and should be done with more characters.

3. The moms are the best moms.

And now for final suggestions/critiques:

1. Personality should be tied to class introduction and Matt response, not club.

2. Goth Club, or maybe Rock Club (with goths!)

3. Club 22 should be merged with Bar or Bar with Bakery or something. Honestly Bakery being the ring front makes more sense considering the Keith's moolah.

4. Breast implants ruin athletic ability, especially during recovery. This is really something that should be done at the end of the year once clubs are over.

5. Make Matt A Good Boy Redemption Arc

6. The Rent Is Too Damn High

Overall, a really good game, but ruined at the end when the cast turn into complete assholes regardless of prior growth.


You put so much effort into a comment review, and it is 100% correct.


Oh... Well, thank you.

I know I sounded a bit harsh, but I really did enjoy the game. I just feel it has some untapped potential.

(1 edit)

Thank you for the thorough feedback. Really shows how much you care for the game!

While I'm not going to go over every single point, but there are good ones here outside of the ones that increase the scope of the game much further.

Thanks again for taking the time.

Just wanted to say that this game was awsome.... I enjoyed playing it seriously... I want more pls update this game as,soon as possible... Thx for this amazing game

(1 edit)

Thank you for playing it!
More updates on the way!

(1 edit) (+1)

Is rent supposed to be in 30 day or 4 week increments? I think it went day 30 then day 58 for me, so I'm confused.

Also, is the game supposed to go 10 months like a normal school year once finished?


Should be 30 days per rent.

That was the original plan, but we may wind up running  a bit short of the full school year.

So I can guarantee that my second rent was on the 59th. Probably a bug.

(2 edits) (+1)

Okay, so this is Review #1.

I absolutely love the game, so don't take it the wrong way that I'm only giving concerns this time; I just haven't done all content yet. I've so far gotten the corruption ending and then switched to Bakery route all endings, so far with Matt and Violet.

Firstly, I understand why you had the game end on day 75, but this stopped me from seeing side story scenes I hadn't unlocked yet. It's fine to freeze the calendar if necessary instead of ending the game.

On the corruption route, there should be the option to help the police by going undercover, this way you don't lose everyone yet and can still get more of the route's content with the consequences only happening down the line.

There should be an option to stay with Matt and actually quit the Bakery. That's a fourth option the dialogue suggests that isn't actually there, and the current option (to not get the surgery) counts as the normal bakery ending before triggering the Violet-Matt event. Another possible option is to pay for the surgery yourself, even in increments.

As for the Corruption path, there isn't enough interaction with Kate. Getting the firing event and begging for your job, or getting the job back, also seems to block Kate content.

Bakery Hair: Pink should've been an option tbh 

Now for my big two issues:

First, I wanted to get a Matt-Violet-MC relationship. My ideal would be to get Violet to like Matt and/or get Matt to be a better person (redeem him with my sweetness), but corrupting Violet is fine too. The issue is that despite the MC seeing Matt be sweet sometimes, he's universally made into an asshole at the end, regardless of your route, and the game forces even Sub Violet to ruin his path (dangit!). I really, really don't like irredeemable bully characters; they're just bad writing (and The Fixer did the same thing too btw), especially for Matt since he was starting to soften up.

Second, the way time management is handled could be better. Try this instead:

Weekday Dawn: School

Weekday Afternoon: Club or Early Shift Job

Weekday Dusk: Late Shift Job or Walk

Weekday Night: Sleep

Weekends: Side Job, Club

Job Shifts and Clubs lasts only one time of day, but on weekends you cannot double the same day on one club.

We can now join two of the clubs at once and choose which one at club time. Only one club is required, though.

You can only have 1 Main and 1 Side Job. Side Job has to be manually taken and is not required. Losing any job lets you choose another in that time slot. It's possible to switch Main and Side, but Maid is weekday only and Bar is weekend only, additionally Bakery now requires a minimum corruption, as does the first Bar owner event. Yes, this means Maid is always the first job; this is to force Kate's availability.

As it stands, time management is a crunch. This way it's more fluid.


Quitting/being fired from the Bakery is going to be added once the convenience store job is finalized.
More content with Kate on the corruption route is planned.
Pink hair would be great, however, that'll be more work towards the CGs that will use it.

Threesome route won't be happening as that is an entire  new route that we are not doing.
As for the time management this is pretty close to what we originally wanted to do, but wound up keeping the early version for the opportunity of adding more locations the player can visit.  Still we won't be altering it.

Still I'm glad that you've been enjoying what is there at least and your feedback is appreciated! I think you'll like the new content coming in the next update.

The way you said it sounds like each route is only maybe 1/3 of the way done or something. If so, isnt that too early to basically lose all of your frienships over who you're dating?

Also, after thinking about it, I still feel like Bar should be an optional weekend job but Bakery should only be unlocked after Cafe, and the Firing event should be unlockable after the zoo (or you can still date Kate and already know Lisa when at the zoo). It makes more sense for Cafe to lead into Bakery, both because Bakery is a corruption only job and because Kate joining the Bakery would make sense. But that's just me. 

As for the pink hair thing, IF it's implemented as an alternative to blonde, I think the Club stuff should affect / be affected by that choice when it comes to dialogue. Since Cherry had pink hair dye.

But yeah, it sucks imo that we can't corrupt other girls into being with Matt too.

Each character route is at the halfway mark right now.


Just some thoughts I have after playing some playthroughs of the lastest free release.

In general, everything I played I liked it and I really liked how is Matt's characterization looking rn. I fell of my chair after he confronts the history teacher, I got so invested. Great. Amazing scene. I did love it. I think it suited him a lot.

I liked a lot the bullies too, btw. I am hoping we get more.

But there is some stuff I didn't liked as much. I think POV scenes feel weird. Regarding to Matt blowjob scene in the classroom and the Pet Play scene.

Most of the classroom scene now is in Matt's POV. I hope I am not the only weirdo that dislikes POV stuff. I can't get along with male pov stuff I guess because I am a girl so it makes me hard to to get into it, i guess?

Also, imo, I think it doesn't really suits the route. Since the character you play as is the one getting dom it feels weird to get the dom pov bc it kinda gives the player a dom position were I guess it would feel better if player had a observer position (no one's pov) like in the older version if you kinda want to appeal to everyone.

IMO, male POV fits better in male main character games. But AGAIN, I might be the weirdo here since I am seeing everything as I am a girl playing a girl in a sub position. I guess a male player that plays the route bc "he wants to have a sub girl" (let's leave there the player types) and gets into Matt's position would feel "better" having his POV. You can't make everyone happy.

I prefer the older version of the blowjob scene, I also think art looked better in the older version. But in general, pretty good, I am very excited for the full release :D


The purpose of Matt POV was to show the MC's corruption. But yes, more MC POV would be great, especially Matt looking down at us~


Hizor, out of curiosity what is your WPM score?

Taking a 1 minute timed test:
"Speed is 45 WPM with 98% accuracy."

If this is in regards to writing I don't do the writing.

Industry standard is $1 per minute for typing, normally, and one of your posts said $3 pays for 150 words, so I was wondering if it was based on the writer's WPM.

Ah! No, we pay per word and that varies from writer to writer.

Oh, that's pretty cool!

is there or will there be a guide lol



also who are all the ROs? not going to lie, I was kinda hoping that one teacher (i think the very first one you meet (not the principal)) was an option lmao


Oh Mr. Harvey? He will be eventually. :D
There's a few things that need to happen before his route gets worked on.


Woot Woot!! lol thanks. 


Still waiting lol still great work and absolutely wonderful game, thanks for making it and sharing it!!


It's going to be after we release the 1.0 version of the game.

We could start work on it right now since the things that needed to happen have, but then we would be stretched too thin.


Is it still going to be updated ?


Yes it is.

When will the next update be?

April 1st on the Patreon.


How about a free update will there be one?

Most likely, yes, the public version will update over time based on the news posts. But patrons will get things first, always.

I just started playing this and damn this is so good! I love this AVN. You deserve all the support and love! 

Thank you!


Can't believe I actually love another work I found in from the last few years I've been out of this site!!! I literally engrossed in playing this straight and NGL this one is fire!!! It can be added more and more contents and definitely looking forward for its new version, has a lot of potentials to be looking forward with! While I love what this game shows us, but especially and definitely love the sweeter and pure sides especially with KATE, indeed one of the purest soul in Uni world and would love to see more about her and Chelsea together may be continuation of their romance route or after story<3333 AND ALSO VIOLET LIKE DAMN, I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT HER, I've been looking forward where their relation with Chelsea lies in the future, totally rooting for them as well and excited with being exclusive and how their love can go and show thus takes form!! As a girl who loves Yuri, Hoping for either of these women such as Olivia, August, Samantha, and Alice's routes to be added cous again, YURIIII!!!! LOOKING FORWARD FOR FURTHER DEVELOPMENT AND HAVE A NICE DAY TO THE PEOPLE BEHIND THIS GAME (Heck, if only I can afford the Patreon stuffs but welp, continue to support ya guys in the background hihi <3)

I loved the bullys subplot, both being her friend and being her victim. I really want to know if we will soon have an update of this subplot with their respective images

Perhaps not soon, but we are far from finished with their plot.

will there ever be a version that works on IOS?


To make an iOS version (Because Apple hates anything that isn't first party) I need to export the project to a program that only is available on MAC to then build a version of the game for iOS.
Then since it's an adult 3rd party game you'll need to basically jailbreak your iPhone to install the game.

As much as I'd like to make an iOS version Apple makes it very hard to do so.


Well you have to chose one love interest and that's fine. Thing is you can't be a good person, you either sleep around with as many people as you can, let people sexually assault you or befriend those very people and have to watch them do their thing infront of you.

You can choose either bad routes or very bad routes, the good (depending on your definition of good) routes are very very few.


There is a good route though, work at the cafe, date either kate or violet, pick the track team club, befriend the yakuzas, and tell off / kill all the people who have pervy intentions towards you, finished my playthrough like that and not one bad thing happened

You can easily just reject everyone except the character you want to date. Just try to send everyone away or fight against who you don't like.

My last playtrough I only had sex with Matt and skipped everyone else. That's a win in my book at least.

(2 edits)

Hello! Absolutely love the game and its storyline and had to make an account to tell, even tried playing the newest release on Patreon. For some reason the Android download hasn't been working on there, but the public release is amazing regardless :)

Thank you! <3


Thank you for playing!

yo hizor the new update was lit for the damien route 

but i have a question, will there be extreme bdsm scenes in the future(like electric bdsm, needle play, watersports, pet  play with extreme punishments etc or will the current light bdsm themes of toy play, slave play etc will continue in the violet dom or sub path ? if there was an option to choose what level of bdsm (extreme or light) you want that would be great. 

Pet Play yes, but extremities like painplay will not.

ty bro best of luck with aeon update

Can you give walkthrough?I don't know where to start, like how to make money, upgrade skills


An in-game walkthrough will be available in the next update.

So you can't get the cosplay picture of Violet unless you two time her and kate? I started over and focused on only Violet and reached the end of the build but no cosplay pic


Yes, that picture only happens in the Violet - Kate conflict event.

I tried to two-time Kate and Violet. When I chose Violet though, Kate still invited me to meet her mom after and acted like we never broke up which was a bit awkward.


Only finally got around to playing the new release, and I honestly loved it!

I honestly can't wait for more with the Kate romance storyline, because it's so cute, and I love everything about it, and I want these two to be happy <3 <3

Also, I hope the mafia plotline continues, I want to end up as queen of the yakuza by the end of this, with my adorable, petite gf at my side.

Though, I am once again hoping that Alice gets lewded soon, because tomboys. I am also hoping that August gets lewded soon, because goth tomboys.

(1 edit)

The new art style for the Matt in Mr.Harvey's room blackmail scene is really jarring. It looks quite different from most of the art in the rest of the game and is a downgrade from the old art imo. Then partway through it switches to a different artist that seems more in line with the rest of the game.

It would be nice if we could enable/keep the old art rather than this new one that makes the mc look like a different person.


We haven't changed artists. He's still with us.
A few of the scenes were colored and shaded by another artists, who has since left us, but our main artist from the beginning is still making all of the baseline stuff.

I think the art in the game is fantastic overall and am surprised if that first scene in the encounter is the same artist as it looks very different to me. I'm no expert though.

Anyways, hope I didn't sound too rude as it's just a small complaint about a game I think is shaping up really nicely. I've already played through what's available around a half dozen times over the past year or more (hard to remember how long it's been really) and am looking forward to it's completion.


Still on my first run of the New Year update.

Violet to the rescue! Wow! And even after getting ignored by her for over a month of game time.* I really like Badass Violet. On Damien route, now, but going to do Violet, next.

Unfortunately, in the Damien route, dinner after the aquarium visit still gets skipped if MC has sex with him in the restroom.

I was glad it's now possible to avoid the shark exhibit so the MC doesn't have to torture Damien

* I turned down her invitations and eventually there were no more encounters with Violet - until the rescue scene in the restroom with bully-girl Kensie and her minions

(1 edit) (-1)

Is there a continue of this game when you finish the mission

(1 edit)

The game is just amazing. The number of plot twists is astonishing. 

I would especially like to know if there will be a further development of the Kate storyline? I really liked the character and the events associated with her. It would be great to see at least a third more activity with Kate.

•Separately, I would like to propose to introduce into the game the ability to re-launch some events associated with the heroes of the game (it would be possible to make this function activated in the settings). This would give the game more volume.


Game is still in development and none of the main routes have been completed yet. Yes, Kate's story will continue.

Hi, this has been bugging me for a while but would you please consider adding an app thumbnail for .apk version of the game rather than just leave it to the default RenPy ones for next release? Thx :)


Uni does have an app thumbnail, but for some reason refuses to use it.
I'll take a look at it for the next release.


hey I love your game! Is there a difference between this version and the one on Patreon? If so, what is that?


Right now the only difference is this:

Uni 0.45.105:
-Added 6 New Damien Events
-Added Damien Route Lock.(Still needs sprites added)
-Daylimit increased to 90 days.
-Fixed Matt showing up at the parent teacher conference event if already dealt with.
-Added New Ending images for routes completed.


How can I help in the Spanish translation of the game? I want to know which files should I modify?


Everything in the FullstartASE folder.


How would it be in the case of android?

Extracting an .apk on your phone then editing the files on your phone does not sound very efficient.
First you'd need to find a way to extract the .apk, which I'm unaware of any programs that can do so.

Is editing the PC version enough for the Android version to also have the Spanish language? or do you have to edit both types?

Hey I have the file of the game on my phone but everytime I start to install it, it says that the game wasn't installed. I'm on android, do you guys know what I can do to change that ?


There can be not enough space on your phone


Is there a way to get all three outfits from when you fashion shopping with your co-worker when working in the bakery?


sadly no, to my knowledge

So, you know the little note icon in the top left that tells you if you have homework?
An android, there's no easy way, at least that we've found, to mouse over it; which is fine for what it does right now, since it gets a little notification mark when you do have homework.
However, the money and day:time tabs on the right side suffer from this, as there's no easy way to pop them open and keep them open for reading on mobile.

We had an idea of combining the homework icon and the day:time button into a single button that uses the calendar icon, that serves the following functions:
• Shows the past month(optional), current month, and next month (month names optional)
• Show's the current stage of the current day via a horizontal line on the current day (at the top is morning, the upper half is "midday", the lower half is evening, and the bottom is night.
• Shows what day homework is due (if you get homework on Friday, it'd be due Monday
• Shows the days you've promised to spend time with people, and puts an icon (perhaps the character's head?) at the top, upper half, lower half, or bottom depending on when you need to meet them.
• An icon in one of the corners of a day to let you know what day you need to buy cat food (when you have a cat).
• An icon in a different corner of the days when the rent is due, that also tells you how much you'll owe.

That is all quite a bit of additional graphics and work, so even if you are going to add it, we don't expect it any time soon. We just have terrible memory and often forget when we've promised to meet someone, and with no way to check, we are prone to set up to meet multiple NPCs at the same time.

We also had an idea to include how much money you have with the rest of your stats, instead of having it all by itself.

Having them as tabs that slide onto the screen is a good idea; but it would help if you tap\click the tabs to have them slide open, which pauses dialogue progression (so tapping doesn't progress the dialogue and auto stops progressing text as well) until you tap the tab at the side of the extended… page? to slide it back offscreen until only the tab shows again.
Which, again, we don't expect to be added anytime soon if you decide to add it, due to the amount of extra work we imagine to be involved with implementing such features.


The android version is a port of the PC version right now so there are going to be some issues when it comes to mouse-related functions.
When we get to closer to 1.0 and start further polishing the game up we'll definitely consider your suggestions on this.




Игра очень понравилась, жаль на русский не получается перевести, транслятор ошибку выдаёт..

Английский учи

(1 edit)

Играл в свежую версию 0.45?

This is difficult to download on Android because you can only download it on MEGA now, which is a pain to use, instead of being able to download it straight from  directly onto the android.

The file upload size limit to Itch is 1GB per file. Uni is 1.3GB.
I've contacted about a file limit increase, but they haven't gotten back to me.

i bought the game a while back and now i half to buy it again why?


Either click "No thanks, just take me to the downloads" at the top or "I already paid for this…" at the bottom


You don't have to pay for the game.

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