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(1 edit) (+1)

Some more glitches:

On submissive Violet route, she takes Chelsea to her home. After the valet lets them both out of the car, Violet does address Chelsea as Mistress, but when leading Chelsea to her room, she motions for Chelsea to open the door and Chelsea hurries to obey. Not what's expected for submissive Violet. (but then Violet resumes being submissive)

In Year Book club, decided to play in Levi's game. But the scenes were swapped: the second game session occurred before the first. Also, in the "second" session, Sofia was at club doing something with the teacher, but the next day, during the "first" session, Sofia had been absent for 2 weeks.

Actually, the game sessions are only partly swapped: The Saturday session treated Chelsea as though she had already started playing. The Sunday session introduced her to the game and created her character, then resumed game play where the Saturday session left off.

(1 edit)

On Day 26, on the Maid Cafe route, I accepted the one customer's $50 to meet him in his car after work. I did not receive any other tips nor pay check.


Does anyone know how to get the secret achievement?


Name your character Airi.

ah thanks. does this do anything special other than give you the secret achievement?

No, it's simply a reference to our Mascot.

(2 edits)

Just a minor bug: When in the city, Joy approached again about the  car wash. I declined, but time still advanced from afternoon to night.

I did, finally, try the strip club side route. Was very fun. I know Cherry is in serious legal trouble, but maybe she can make a deal by outing her boss, then reappear later. The first time I actually got in, I did not get only corruption points for participating in amateur night.

Also trying the "Corrupt Kate" route. Would be nice to have more content with Kate at the bar.

Also, on the rainy night, the only tip credited was the $300 the couple left on Chelsea's desk, nothing from the other bar customers.

Thanks for pointing out the bug. Something to be fixed in 0.50

(1 edit) (+1)

I like the additional content for Kate. Meeting her mom was fun.

I noticed that after the show down with Harper, there's still a "end of content" message even though there's more, including meeting Kate's mom.

*** spoiler alert ***

During the couch seduction scene, if I choose to remove Kate's bra, the graphic changes to a braless Kate. But if I choose to remove Chelsea's shirt, then when Chelsea finally does remove Kate's bra, the graphic does not change.

Later, if I choose Let Kate take the lead, we quickly get to a 69 position with corresponding graphic. But if I choose Go down on Kate, it starts with Chelsea kneeling between Kate's legs and licking Kate's pussy then the text changes position to 69 but the graphic is still Chelsea kneeling between Kate's legs.

(3 edits) (-2)

Can we get a future CG where we beat the hell out of Matt? Please?

And no, the slap in the very first CG isn't enough to satiate my lust for violence. I'm pretty sure most of us here will agree


I confess that in RL, if a guy had done that to me in high school, I would have grabbed his wrist and done a Karate throw on him. I probably could have made it look like he fell out of his seat.

*** spoiler alert ***

I did try the Matt route, but I quit it when he blackmailed Chelsea. He's just too unsavory for me.

Sadly, Damian turned out to be even more insidious. I can well imagine that what Lydia was saying about him (presumably to very close friends) was true and that he confronted her, raging at her reaction (presumably breaking up with him).

great game so far. is there a walkthrough by any chance? im curious if there is so i can tell if i missed any scenes. 

Go to the laptop in game and open Net Corsair

(1 edit) (+1)

Finally got to play v0.47

The cheerleaders beach day was fun. And amusing that Tracy was still wearing her bikini when she appeared after beach day.

Also, the change log mentions an opacity setting in preferences, but I don't see one.

And, I didn't get an option to allow play beyond (now) 90 days.

*** Spoiler alert ***

Started with the Damian route. The new content is very nice - and then there's the ending. While predictable, still devious. The warning signs all had plausible explanations except the cake. When Damian gave it to her, my thought was Oh No! Please No!

Trying the Kate route, next

The opacity setting got bugged due to a ren'py update. It's been fixed in 0.49.


are there any possible pregnancies for the girls. 



(2 edits)

Is it possible to have more save slots? 12 pages is just not enough


We'll look into getting the save slots increased. 


That's good to hear, ty! It would be perfect if you could go back to infinite save slots, like in older versions.  Btw, this wouldn't be necessary if the gallery showed the dialogue in the CG scenes.  But it's just a suggestion! I loved your game!

(1 edit) (+1)

Scene Replays are a heavily requested feature, however, due to the amount of variations that each scene could have there would be a lot of setup/input from the player that would be needed prior to seeing the scene.

The scene can change based on what club you're in, what relationships you're in, and choices that you made earlier in the route. So this complicates things quite a bit when it comes to scene replays.

If we had straightforward scenes that didn't change like that then it would be much much simpler to implement. Hell, the 0.49 update has it's first layered CG Scene since it has 40 variations based on your choices. So if you were to do a scene replay of that scene we'd need to setup 40 combinations for you to pick for that one scene.

Oh, now I see. That's too sad because the variations in the scenes depending on your choices are one of the best things about this game, as it is something rare to find.  So I believe returning to the old model of save slots would be the best option. Thanks for explanning!


The ability to delete saves and renaming saves would be useful as well. I tend to have multiple copies of a particular scene but I always get confused which one is from which version.

When will the public version 0.110 be released?


0.48.110 itself won't become public, but 6 months from now we'll release 0.51 to the public as 0.52 is released for backers.


I'm in shock, six months?!?!


Our update cycle is every 2 months we have an update which is released for our backers.
Every 6 months we release a public version.

is there anyway to look at older versions? like 0.20

There isn't due to space constraints we only have only a few previous versions officially.
I do have the very first version that was released. It's only about 50MB


Will there be any lesbian scenes/routes outside of Violet and Kate? Just so I can stop wondering every time I meet a new female character. It's a good game so far though and I had a lot of fun playing the different routes.


No full routes, but there will be some more scenes with other girls down the line.


I don't know what your plans are for it, but I would be so incredibly happy if the running club side route is building up to a threesome or maybe even a F/M/F polycule, I love the chemistry between those 3!


Threesomes? Yes indeed. Maybe even foursomes.

Are any of the girls virgins?


We keep that info vague and it's really up to your interpretation.
But you won't be seeing any blood during the sex scenes.

I can absolutely understand not including blood in any scenes, but have you considered letting the player set whether or not Chelsea is a virgin at the start of the game? Then, the first time she has sex, there could be a bit of dialogue from her, the person she's with, and/or her inner thoughts addressing it.


Hei developer can you tell me how to fix save data issue?

I'm changing my Android device from one  to other one and when I click the save file it's appears some dangerous sign said:

This save file has made in other device or blablabla and are you want to trust this save data:

Yes or no

When I click yes the game not loaded and stuck in the loading page but I can move to main menu and so,and when i click no It same.

So the game can't play if you change your save data to other device :'(

We do have checks against using outdated save files so if the save is from an earlier version then I'll ask you if you still want to load it or not. However, if you load it, it should still load into the game.

We don't check against devices at all so I'm not sure about the error you're getting about the device. Unless your phone is blocking the file from being access for some reason?

Sorry late read,I was busy with my desk full of job...

Sooo about this one :

We do have checks against using outdated save files so if the save is from an earlier version then I'll ask you if you still want to load it or not. However, if you load it, it should still load into the game.

After I click yes THE GAME won't open,and if I click no the game also won't open.


I made a mistake by choosing Kate's route first.. and now I can't do another route.. like Violet's.. I ended up cheating and I felt guilty because of the dialogue I just didn't continued the route.. I really fell inlove with her character...


Ouch, we don't let them go easy.
I'm glad that you've enjoyed the character so much that such a reaction was had. In the next run, you can just be friends with Violet or Kate which doesn't have any harsh guilty feelings.


There are website that give the paid version for free


While I don't mind if people pirate the game, there are plenty of reasons why, I do ask that if you enjoy the game and like what you see please consider supporting it's development so we can continue making more content and eventually another higher quality game.

is there no way to win the first big track race? even when i ignore the remarks of markus and the others it still says "you lost focus and that lost you the race" so is it a bug or just the illusion of choice?

It is possible to win it.

It also takes into account your performance during the entirety of the track club so far and not just that event.

We'll take a look at it and make sure it's not bugging out though.

Just FYI, I won the race. I haven't played since before the last update, so I don't know if I would still win.

Will be playing again very soon. (Life's just been so busy )

Are there any requirements you need to fullfill to get certain events when you go to town?

On my recent playthroughts I noticed I never got the carwash events but stumble like daily across the Farmer's Market or Strip Club. Are those tied to the choices you make on the "main paths" or is it just based on RNG and tied to my rotten luck?

It's RNG and tied to luck.
Though when you start a event chain they tend to get weighted so that you'll have a chance to complete them before the game ends.

(1 edit) (+7)

As always, this game is great! Just a couple things that crossed my mind though!

1. I never went through much of the yearbook club stuff until just now but geez it's a rollercoaster, went from really wanting our girl to fuck Mr. Davis because he seemed too good for this world, to finding him suspicious as fuck, and then going back to trust him, I'm so excited to see where this goes! Also the Alice cameo was neat, still hoping to be able to do something lewd with her, as well as August from track, cuz tomboys make me weak.

2. It'd be kinda cool if, on the Kate path, after Harper gets fired from the cafe, you can eventually stumble across the Bar, and learn that she now works there and is basically prostituted to the customers, like what happens to you and Kate if you go full corruption.

3. I still really hope the Yakuza storyline continues outside of the Matt stuff, because I think it'd be super sick to end up in cahoots with the mafia, and actually kinda join them.

4. I noticed that the character routes tell you when you've finished their current content, but I don't think the other events do? For instance, Kenzie, Alice, and club routes just.....end, and I don't recall there being an indication that you'd seen everything currently in the game, like with the Karaoke.

I was also wondering, just how many characters are intended to eventually have lewd scenes?

The new update is still awesome, as expected!


Wanted to wait until I got some good free time to sit down and reply to this post.

We've put a lot of thought into the yearbook and it's the slowest going of them all with the majority of the route being build up and the "endings" being the pay off for it. Big fan of Alice and August myself, one being a 'port' of a character from a previous scrapped project and the other being a Goth track star since we were lacking in those.

Track is finally starting to kick off as is the cheer club, pretty soon they'll get more and more lewd with different ways that the routes can advance.

I do have some plans for Harper if she gets fired, but it's really up in the air if it'll get implemented or not. We'll see how development goes and how the budget holds up.

One of our writers is a big fan of the mafia and she wants all the "Chelsea becomes mob boss stuff", but I need to keep us focused on what the game is about. XD

The club and cheer stuff is the things that are immediately being worked on since we're getting closer and closer to a final public demo of the game so their messages are missing right now. With Karaoke their side route has ended, but that favor can bring in a lot of new scenes depending where and who you use it on.

If it's a side character that doesn't appear a lot then chances are low they'll have lewd scenes.

Glad you're enjoying the new update! Let us know of any more feedback. Always welcome.


Thanks for the detailed response! All of that is good to hear!

In regards to wondering who might all get lewd scenes, I suppose I was wondering about things like your other coworkers in the Cafe, teachers, Kate's mum, less important club members, mmo things, that kinda stuff. I understand if a lot of that can't be revealed yet, but I'd appreciate any answer you could potentially give!

I'd love to have some of these characters descend into a grand and degenerate route, but it's not in the cards since we want to finish this game and start work on the next, but that doesn't mean we're going to rush anything to get there.

The Aeon MMO has been in the works for a while, and is severely behind where I wanted it to be.
There will be a teacher route added after we reach 1.0 fun things going to happen there. The other cafe co-workers, Kate's mom, and yearbook club members won't be getting any scenes.

(1 edit)

Where i can see the naked Mia, Kenzie, and Simone sprites? I have the 4.8 but i cant find it on the game

Help Kenzie when she asks to borrow your homework and eventually as you hang out with them they'll invite you to a party. There you can see them naked depending on your choices.

(1 edit)

Can i have the order of the options?  I've been repeating the party for 1 hour and nothing, im playing on android

The demos dont work they keep saying forbidden at download

Can you be more specific? I'm unable to replicate this issue.

When it gets to anout the one Gigabite it stops and shows 


Dude forbidden it was your country maybe banning the website,try use other google like opera mini that has free VPN in it.

Sometimes my Google said like this,or just re downloaded it, it's forbidden because sometimes your wifi or internet data shutdown when download not finished so this could happen.

If you turn off your internet data or wifi during download When the file not downloaded it will said like that forbidden

Note: sorry I use Google translate my English is bad


If your Chrome were downloading it correctly b4 this happened, then it might be actually “Network Problem” by PC version of Chrome


As RCom says this is your browser and possible your firewall forbidding it for some reason.

One of the reasons I left chrome for Firefox.

I don't remember the game was supposed to be paid? I think in version 44 the game was free?

I uninstall the game cause already see some ending and replaying some other ending but I didn't expect the game will be paid right now...


Such a nice game but rn paid

(1 edit)

We've always had a backer release on our Patreon. We just offered that here for the same tier price you'd pay on Patreon.

The public version is the free demo this is the version that normally would be uploaded here by itself. Which is 0.47.

The only thing that has changed is that we now offer the once patreon-exclusive build here.

hi sir...

What's the difference between patreon and free,does free have small ending or what?

Because the game is mostly like that,and I don't know what the difference when patreon.


The difference is the public version is one version behind the backer version.

The backer version will update very two months as we develop the game while the public version will only update every 6 months. In 6 months the contents of the backer version will be included in the free version.

However, we are on track to finish polishing up the first half of the game and releasing a final public build by the end of this year or sometime into next year.

So if the new update will release did the old one will be free? Or it's different game cause the one is the patreon one?


This is a fun game but I try to limit myself on a few things I was doing for the 2nd or 3rd character made doing different things cause I wanted to see more of the cheerleading club part and try out other things but the game ended on me after getting swimsuits and didn't take that trip to the beach. is that all to the club. so my main question is does the game end when there's no more to do or have a set time date when it ends??  Main reason I am asking is cause there was plans to buy out the clothing and rooms while keeping up with the rent and that's a lot harder to do if its going to just end on me randomly and not be too lewd with it lol


The game ends on day 90 right now.
When the public version is updated in a few days you'll finally be able to go to that beach trip, though the CGs are still in the works.

Is there a walkthrough for the game? I'm interested in the Matt route and the bimbo route (last time I played I don't believe that route was finished which I think it might be?)


Check the NetCorsair on the laptop for walkthrough.

Every time I check that it says no internet connection despite being connected to the internet

it was on a later version that the Net walkthrough was added, should be able to see it now in the latest public version too

is there a way to use android savegame on pc?


I feel as though Kate is lacking in the H scenes department.  



love it


Kate's my favorite


Really good game, love how cute Kate is! Keep up the good work


When is the next update


Next public update is August 1st.


I paid for it but nothing appears in the combo box for the PC build of the latest version.


Is there any new content for Aaron planned?

At this time. No.

(1 edit) (+1)

I love the game a lot, phenomenal work on both Story and NSFW sections, as well as the visuals. I'll absolutely support you as soon as I am able to.

Certainly one of, if not the best game of this type I found on here so far ;3

High praise indeed. Thank you for your support it does not go to waste.


I wanted to say that your game is amazing... Seriously not just the h scene... The story and specially the romance was amazing.... If you could add another drama event with Damian like the one that he finds out about you and Matt (and if you can't it's all ok... But at least a normal event for Damian would make me so happy) I would be very very happy. 

Once again thx for your great game. 

Thank you! Glad to hear that you're liking it so much!

We'll keep working hard on bringing more content to you.

Will their be scenes with the bouncer?

If you mean a CG Scene? Yes. Walk Around events aren't a priority right now.

(1 edit) (+1)

What is the point of the dark alley? Whenever i choose to walk through there nothing happens


Dark Alley is the prelude to another route that will be added after 1.0 of the game.

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