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Are we currently able to actually get the boob job done in the Bakery story?


Yes. Though there are a few things we're looking into on other routes that can prevent the event from firing.


Will we be able to live with Kate in the future? I just wanna keep her locked in a cage just for me :]


Maybe? ;)

(1 edit) (+2)(-3)

I'm seeing too few comments about Kate's route and too many on Matt's. Y'all on some weird shi. Kate on top and whoever went the corruption way with her deserves hell. (Great game by the way) 


I love seeing all the love and hate for different routes among our fans. Really goes to show you can't please everyone when making a game. Can only just do your best.

(1 edit) (+1)

You gotta think out of the box here. The fact that there's hate among the community means it has pleased complete opposites, which means there's diversity. So I really do think it's possible to please everyone amd you're doing a great job at it. 


Have you considered making a Chinese version, even with machine translation, or using AI


I have. We'll likely attempt to make a translation of several languages once we're closer to completion.

Are you limited to one boyfriend/girlfriend at a time?

Also, in newest release, I go to play, and get an error. Did my saves not transfer or something?

Your suppose to start new saves it says that as well in the description 👍


You'll have to wipe persistent from the main menu. Changes to the code made it where the persistent data leftover from previous saves can cause an error.


You can pursue all the routes at the same time, but you'll eventually have to make a choice on what you want to stick with.

A polygamy route would be amazing, really.


Will there be impreg?




If I pay the twenty five, do I have to pay for updates?

(1 edit) (+4)

No as long as you have an account on here all you need to do is go to your library and download the game again unless the dev has a patch for the game then all you do is download the patch and install that only thing is you wont get extra content like Patreon members get you'll just get the game and updates a month after Patreon members

Is your game coming to steam?

It's not my game dude I was just trying to help you but I don't think it'll come to Steam


I need more karaoke with the mafia in my life


We all do.

(1 edit)

how do i take picture with my phone 

The pictures taken on the phone are done through messaging events with other characters as a sort of "Phone CG Scene" you can't take them at will.


So when is the next updated for the paid version on here since I thought we were meant to be a month behind or is there another kind of update going on?

On April 1st the updated version will be made available here, but with one change.

Thatsounds like the set up for a april fools joke

It's not. Every year we deal with this since it lines up with a update or something.

Hey, can you please properly tag the downloads for Windows/Linux, MAC, and Android; mostly for itch app users to be able to easily update and download future releases. Cheers in advance

I hadn't noticed that I forgot to tag them.
My bad.


Cheers pal!

YOU CAN GO SCUBA DIVING WITH SHARKS? i never tried that cause they scare me irl; and what about the Alice outfit?

The scuba scene is with Damien's Route and the Maid/Alice outfit is from texting Matt on his route.


oof, think i'll skip the second one, i just wish it were possible to do everything at the aquarium instead of having to pick and choose

You can. Just save the game before going in the aquarium. After doing as much as you can, load that save and do different things.


i know but still

Im getting an error on android saying it conflicts with an existing package and fixes?


I have no idea what's going on here honestly.
All I can recommend is to make sure that you have everything Uni related deleted and try to reinstall it afterwards.

i may be stupid but Nathan barely shows up for me, how do i get his route ??

He doesn't show up a whole lot, and if you get his ice rink CG then you've pretty much seen all of his current story stuff.


i thought so, tyy !! :)

the game os going to have a one time payout or a steam version?, how corruption works? i have so many questions lmao, great game bro


We are planning to setup a one-time payment on itch which will give you access to the game for life, but will be updated one month behind the Patreon version.

Depending on your corruption will change the way your character acts during sex scenes.

Glad you're enjoying the game!


is there a way to get this game on windows

(1 edit) (+5)

PC & Linux version is the first option.

*This is an image*

please add a way to skip rape scenes, and maybe add it so the MC doesnt like being raped...

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

You're given two opportunities to get out of the rape scene in the game. One beforehand and one during once it's further evident what is about to happen.


not in that girls bathroom scene

Two options:

1)When Matt gropes you, slap him or scream. Then, when you get milk on you, don't shower.

2) If you did nothing when Matt groped you, say no when he asks you to meet him in the restroom the first time, or refuse to lift your skirt.


wrong scene, i mean the 3 popular chicks

Also just one question...
How can I wipe all the data from the previous saves? Like all the save files and the CGs and everything?

On the main menu (title screen) there should be a "Wipe Persistent Data" button.



Really loved that you guys decided to add Nathan and Madison and also gave Ryan and August some life outside of track. Ig the only complain I have about the new characters is that Madison's sprite art doesn't quite match with the sprite art of other characters. Like she is kind far away from the player's perspective while the other characters are close, so much so that you can clearly see the small details in their faces. But other than that I loved the new update. Looking forward for more updates for us poor gang

Glad to hear you're liking the new stuff. We're going to be looking over the sprites soon and adding more expressions and updating a few things, and I'll add Madison to the list to be looked over.


loved the nathan route! :D


Glad you like him!

(1 edit) (+3)

Seeing the plan of 0.52, I am very happy to have more Matt lines. I also saw the gameplay in the classroom. Will I see more gameplay and props for two people in the future? Next, I will look forward to the route of Violet. 

Production team, please come on

(Chinese translation may have grammar errors)


Yes we will have more scene with multiple characters. Just a matter of building up to it. :D


I know it's a matter of personal preference, but I would like our MC to have the option to be dominant, meaning that the femdom option isn't limited to dream settings. I really enjoy the game, and perhaps I may not be heard, but I have a preference for dominant women (which I suppose stems from personal experiences), and seeing them being called 'slut' and such things feels a bit unpleasant to me, but it's just an opinion.

If anyone happens to read this, I apologize for any inconvenience :)

Not sure if you're into Yuri or not but on Violet's path you have the option of being the dominant one in the relationship and vice versa.

There is also a tracker that has Damien being more submissive to you in his route based on how you treat him.

Hopefully this scratches some of that itch you're looking for.

Yes, I know what you mean. I'm referring to having the option to be dominant in random acts and situations, not just in one route like Violet's (and yes, I love Yuri), or having the option to be dominant depending on how you treat Damien. I mean that the MC herself is inherently dominant as an option, like creating the character and having the choice to make her submissive or dominant, and so on. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Okay I see what you're going for here. I'll make a note of it and maybe we can have more of that happen in random events when walking around.

How do we start the Kenzie route? 

She'll show up whenever you have homework to turn in after day 12. Her route will then continue after day 31.

Thanks a bunch

(1 edit) (+1)(-9)

i kinda want a version where you play as a guy or an option to choose to be one of the males in the game but this is only because I don't play as girls in games and I liked the art style as was disappointed when I saw female protagonist tag


We are planning on making a sequel down the line where you play as a male protagonist.
But that is at the end of our roadmap and is likely decades away.




I want to see Matt Route how he become such a... (Sierra)

(2 edits)



The Nathan events were a surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one! It was a fun route, and even if you don't try to pursue him romantically, it does make the world feel more active! I think some of the club-based side characters having random events was a great addition as well, for the same reason!

Though, man, I wish that when Kenzie is trying to get us to do slutty shit, we could tell her that we're a lesbian, and be all like "I'm not going to fuck this guy. Now, you on the other hand..." 

Also, smh my head, still no Yakuza queen storyline 😔


Nathan was quite the route to work on since getting him to show up properly without breaking other routes so we had to piggyback his events onto other characters events.

While Kenzie definitely wants to include us in her 'diva" group there is some stuff with Simone when you pick certain choices during the party. ;)

Yakuza Queen route is always a route we talk about as fun brainstorming exercises in what would happen. Though we're not going to add it in any official capacity sadly. Maybe one day we'll release a story outline for it and offer modders to try their hand at making it.

One thing that crossed my mind, at some point I do hope to see more dialogue choices get expanded beyond just positive and negative.

As an example, I'll refer specifically to the cheerleader beach trip. When Travis asks you to get on his shoulders, your options are either to get on his shoulders, or to just not get on anyone's shoulders. It'd be nice if you could instead be like "Oh, thanks, but I wanted to get on Luke's shoulders" or something like that, y'know?

I understand that that might be harder to implement, so imo even if that were to happen, it should be fairly low on a list of priorities, as it doesn't really....change anything.

Though, I do still somewhat wish that, when Tracy or Kenzie approach the subject of men, you could claim to be more interested in women, even if only to see their reactions. Doubly so if you can express that you're interested in them specifically.

Yeah, it's largely more of an artwork issue since we'd have to account for all the different characters you could choose in the already large CG Scene, which is why we don't deviate too far in those choices since we only have one guy doing all the sprites and CGs.

Hopefully in the far off future with Uni 2 we'll be able to do more varied choices like that.

That would be pretty fun to see and certainly a possibility to have later on.


we have missed you dearly king thank you for returning


I think it´s a good idea to put some CGs at the Alleys scenes, like the momento to flash to the alley guy and give the panties


The flashing scene is getting a mini-CG with the 0.51 update. :D

Amazing, thanks very much

Is there any H content with Nathan on 0.49?

Not at this time.

It would be great if the developers added H-Status, it's fun to play. Thank you for your efforts.

Thank you for the support!


I loved the game! If I could ask for anything, it would be more text messages, both naughty and normal. I know you're only halfway through development so I'm looking forward to the rest, I will follow your progress closely~

Definitely more text messages coming in the future.


If i buy the game on here will I have to buy each new release?

In this case, yes; each release is sold separately.


If I buy game now. Will I have to buy it again when new update comes or when it's completed? Never bought games other then demos so I'm asking


In this case, yes; each release is sold separately.


Mat is the best character


Matt lovers unite!


Because of Matt,I caught a Stockholm Syndrome 🖤


it is full release now ?


Full release is still a long ways off, but we're close to releasing the final public demo.


I really love this VN a lot, Kate's route is cute and definitely well written, the others are too but I love Kate's the most. Hope we get to also invite her in the corruption route, the hotel Daniel invites us.


There will be more corrupted Kate don't worry about that! :D


It's a fun story the only con I can say is it's a shame there are no animated scenes, it's only static images 


Animation costs a lot. Especially animation that can match the standards we want.
When Uni first started development our budget was very low, and when our Patreon launched we were making under $1k for over a year.
A single animation would cost near $1k per scene to make and take a lot of time.

However, our next game will have animation so look forward to that.


I'm not sure where you are getting the figures for $1,000 for the creation of a single scene but either way I wish you guys luck. I enjoyed the game and look forward to your future development!


Which Yuri options do you have in this game? Played the demo and only know of two options. Would be cool if there would be some more.

There is only two, Kate and Violet.

Hello! How do I break up the Matt route? I have the Jun favour still and am on day 73. I want to get the boob job but have to break all routes first.

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