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I LOVE this game! I especially love Matt   (//ω//) and the story with him, even though many don't seem to like him. But I find the story really well written and I'm totally into it anyway haha Damien is also really cute and the events between the two are really cool. The story with Kate and Violet I also find good, but since I'm straight, I prefer to go with the two guys ;) 

However, I would really really like to see the bus scene with Matt and the MMF scene with Matt and Damien! But I just do not get the events triggered, I have already tried everything, even read the walkthrough. It would be really sweet if someone knows how exactly to get the scenes? Thanks for any answer °^°

(1 edit) (+3)

While what I've played (most of the game) is very well written, I did not go far on the Matt path. He's just too vile for me. I confess that, in RL, when I was 18 (I'm a college masters student, now), I probably would not have been able to resist the impulse to grab Matt's wrist and do a Karate throw on him (not that the game had the option to do so). In the game, slapping him was somewhat satisfying.

As a bisexual girl, I enjoyed the Kate and Damian paths a lot. They were very sweet. I also enjoyed the Violet paths a lot, the "subby Violet" more than the "dommy Violet" (despite not being dommy, myself).


Don't worry the ones that don't like Matt are a vocal minority. There's tons of player that like Matt, but that's the benefit of having choice.

For the Bus scene, you have to date Kate and be with Matt. When you go to the Zoo for a Date with Kate he'll show up on the bus.

With Damien you have to ignore Damien in the very first meeting where he's being bullied by Alex then go down the Matt route.


As one of the Matt enjoyers, I just want to say that he is my favorite. A lot of times, when playing as a female protag in h-games, the player either has yuri content or ugly bastard-type stuff. And while no shaming here, I'm not into either; having Matt as an option is really refreshing for me :)

Deleted 242 days ago
Deleted 242 days ago
Deleted 242 days ago

Any plans for Violet and Damien sex scene? 

(1 edit)

Weirdly, this game leaked to my dreams. while the names and setting were different (my former highschool and friends, there), the scene started out like lunch with Violet in the cafeteria and Damian joining us (I'll call them Vicky and Dan). My friend Vicky moaned about my friend's nerdiness and I defended "he's sweet and knows how to respect girls" I then went on to say "I'm glad you're both here - I have something to confess - I like you both and I want you both." At first, their mouths dropped open, then Vicky said "But - but -" and Dan said "You mean like a love triangle?" I said "Yes", Vicky sputtered and Dan said "Yes" then turned to Vicky "I've admired you from a distance - I admire both of you - a lot" Vicky sputtered even more, then said "Y-yes - I accept."

Silly, yes, but could be a very interesting story path. (With both subby and dommy Violet variations)

Both of them together? No.


Matt is so vile and evil. He should be delivered straight to Lucifer's dungeon - right NOW!

BTW, I discovered by accident that Chelsea can show cleavage and still be on the romantic path with Kate. Just discourage Kate from showing cleavage and don't do anything else "slutty" (at least not in the cafe)

when will new updates arrive for free?

July 1st.

Does the game have a cheat menu?

Yes. You can find it in the bottom right of the laptop.

Just FYI.

In one scene, Chelsea goes to a "kebab stand". "kebab"mean lamb. "shish kebab" being the familiar lamb-on-a-skewer. "swish tawook" is chicken-on-a-skewer.

This is very common mistake. For example "kefta kebab" should be "shish kefta". (Kefta is a Moroccan meat mixture, often lamb and beef)

Also, "doner" is a Turkish version of seasoning and cooking the meat.

Just curiosity....

When I read the change list for version 0.41, I saw:

"Blowing" rent now gives corruption for doing so.

Did you borrow that phrase from me? :)

I did indeed. XD
It's a fun way to reference it without spoiling it.


Is there a discord?

You can now find the discord link near the bottom of the summary.

Alright, thank you


The "subby Violet" path is very fun. And well written. Chelsea really does feel like a non-dommy person experimenting with being dommy.

Also, at some points, I couldn't help imagining Violet wondering "What have I gotten myself into?"

Haven't finished it, yet. (Life suddenly got extra busy)

(1 edit)

Another bug report:

After restarting (because it seems the only way to break up with Damian), I strictly followed the Kate path.

1. On day 30, the game failed to give me my tips, so I couldn't pay rent on Day 31 (I had to "blow" rent. Fortunately, did not earn ,e corruption points (I'm still at 0))

2. On day 47 (after helping Kate make more cupcakes at the cafe), I was not paid, not even tips

3. Despite declining all of Violet's invitations to go out*, the day after I reveal to Emma and Harper that Kate and I are a couple, Violet shows up in the cafe acting like I belong to her.

* and also blowing her off when she didn't take no for an answer

4. "Skip" does not end at the end of a scene. Only when a choice is needed.

5. "History" is not available at a choice. (#4, above, makes this a problem)

6. When initiating texting, I don't get a choice of what to text. In particular, I'd like to be able to say "I love you", "I miss you" or initiate a date

7. In the mall, the "Rocker" outfit says "Corruption: 0". When I try to buy it, it says I need 4 more corruption points. Actually, all of "Corruption: 0" say I need more corruption points

8. There's no option to not enter the "Twinkling Bliss" cafe

Side note: After running the Kate path to the current end of content, I went back and experimented with getting evicted. I had hoped that Kate would have invited me to move in (at the end of my last visit to her apartment, she said she wished I lived closer)

(1 edit)

Thank you for pointing these out. While quite a few of the bugs presented here have been fixed, there are some that we can take a look into.

Moving in with a character will come later. ;)

Also, the phone has a bug report option should you come across any more bugs.

Thanks. I am assuming you got my earlier bug report

(1 edit)

I did, and we looked into a few of them immediately.
You'll see fixes in the upcoming updated public build in July.

I've been playing the game from some time, I really liked Kate and Damian, the best love interest in the game for me is Kate, her best route was the innocent one, the writing was very good, it would be nice to have a yandere route for Kate.

Yandere Kate? Oh man, I don't think I could take it.


For example, the route starts when you decline her first or second date, if perhaps this route gets added it would make Kate character more interesting, from my point of view.

Now that I've looked it up, Violet's appearance in the cafe after all her invitations being declined and not seeing her at all for several game-weeks starts to sound like that.

Still, seriously doubt Violet would kill. Even more doubt Kate would.

Matt, on the other hand, might

For Kate it didn't seem that she could have a slutty route, the differences between the innocent and slutty routes makes it a bit difficult to think that she have a slutty route and it's more difficult if you play the innocent route first, so I think that maybe there is a possibility for a yandere route.

Bug report:

1 and 2:

Background: After accidentally deleting a save, I went back to an old save - before the mall date with Damian. This mean that both the mall date and the homecoming were month 2 (started day 31), so I had spent money on the lingerie Damian liked and the homecoming dance prevented me from working (at the bakery) on a pay day.

The bugs:

1. After Damian left my apartment, my mouse cursor had drifted over the date widget, which showed "Friday: Dusk", so I chanced going to the bakery. The game did give me a paycheck - it was for $0. So I lost a week's pay

2. Rent day for month 3 was day 59. Given that month 2 ("October") started on day 31, I would have expected it to be day 62. (Assuming day 1 as September 1, then day 31 as October 1 makes sense.)

(If I had been able to pay rent, I wouldn't have done more than think "that's weird", but I was short, so couldn't pay rent (instead, had to "blow" rent).)

3: In the scene where the new uniforms arrive at the bakery and Chelsea is trying hers on, the text says "you realize just how tight the new skirt is on you. Ever when bending over". It should be "Especially when bending over".

4. Despite having said NO, I find that Chelsea is scheduled for a boob job. I verified that I said no by scrolling back. I was able to avoid the surgery at the last moment.

5. Having reach the end of the story, I decided to go back and experiment. On the aquarium date, I chose to text Damian from the rest room. After our fun, he suggests stopping for dinner on the way home, I accept, we head to Damian's car, then suddenly I'm back in my apartment. No dinner - unlike when I chose the "wait until home" option.

(7 edits)

This game is amazing! There is a lot of content to go through and even the supposedly non linear plotlines are arranged to conflict with each other at times which just makes it even more expansive. The "world" feels alive, so to say. An emotionally scarring one at that for such a colorful, bright palette, which isn't all that bad mind you. I just feel sorry for the heroine who has to go through the bimbofication/blackmail routes right after being made an orphan, losing her parents and struggling to make money everyday, heck if you avoid that route entirely there is still a possibility of being sexually assaulted at some point.  Is this some dig at Metamorphosis or smth? lol

Very disappointed with the heterosexual relationships here though. While a bad/BDSM/rape relationship route would be a nice endeavor to go through for those which has a penchant for 'em, its kind of annoying that there is only one heterosexual relationship the heroine can potentially have a good ending with, as the other males involve some college kids who literally just see the heroine as a piece of meat at worse and a sexfriend at best, her manager who treats her like a piece of shit, another manager who treats her like a piece of meat and the mafia (who are ironically the best boys in the game for respecting and liking the heroine without her having to show her tits, and seems to be unromanceable). There's also that incel, Matt, who I don't have high hopes for and will most likely be the one to sell off Chelsea to the black market or something someday. While I respect as well as support the developers' decisions and also the supposed "slutty/bad" routes (dude I played Euphoria and that Bee Otome involving cannibalism, I can deal with those), I wish players could also have the choice of going down a good route for the other males like with Damien, heck even Euphoria had a good ending per route at least. 

The lesbian relationships here are amazingly well written and has its share of either being slutty/corrupt/bad or wholesome. Can't even decide between Kate and Violet on who's best girl because their routes are just that good. Wish the hetero relationship routes (aside from Damien) also had that kind of flexibility. 

(2 edits)

I think it be good to have more than just Damian for a positive romantic path. Maybe Levi? Yes, he's weird, but he's likable and a good person. (In RL, I've had a couple of BFs like Levi. I prefer guys like Damian (including my current BF).

I'm enjoying the Damian path a lot, so only a little disappointed there are no other male options for romance.

I'm assuming you've done the wholesome path with Kate. So far, only done the slutty path with Kate. The interactions with her got nicely steamy - and suggested possible romance. I plan to go the "path of purity" with her. I look forward to a very nice romance.

The first part of the Violet path didn't seem romantic to me - just very good friends - though sharing a bed with her and her cuddling suggested the possibility. After I chose the "dommy Violet" path, I had very few encounters with her and only at school. Maybe the Damian path is interfering. I do plan to try the "subby Violet" path.

Lisa at the bakery was a disappointment, but otherwise realistic. And Kieth a typical misogynistic male. The only thing going for the bakery is that it's a solid income source.

The maid cafe was a much better situation. The chill after being caught is realistic, but it's still a nicer job. (Though, even the non-slutty, interesting customers are gone, so tips have gone down.)

On the subject of jobs, the bikini carwash would be a fun job (as long as it was inside a building and not out in a parking lot).

For a mildly "corrupt" job, being a dancer at the strip club. (At least in most (all?) of Europe, Canada, US and (I think) Australia, 18 is old enough to work at strip clubs. I used to work at a strip club, so I really do know this. (now I have an engineering job (as well as being a student), so don't have time)

(1 edit)

I've always also thought Levi (Yearbook) and maybe even Ryan (Track) could also be good male LIs. Not to mention that going on Ryan's route may potentially open up possibilities for a threesome with August? Lol we can only hope. (How nice! I'm kind of in the same boat. My current SO is a mixture of Levi, Damian and a Matt who actually knows the meaning of consent and respect lol) 

I've done corrupted!Kate, wholesome!Kate, dom!Violet and sub!Violet. Despite the overtly sexy themes for these routes barring the Kate one, it was a very satisfying ride. MC takes charge on what she wants, what she does to get it, and is confident of her sexuality. Not to mention that consent was involved. While I wouldn't call him a good guy, bar manager at least respects boundaries to an extent. In the dom!Violet route Violet, while still quite the amateur as the dom in the relationship actually bothers to take care of Chelsea and doesn't lend her out to strange men or anything, so its all good. 

I feel like most males in this game is misogynistic or whatever xD Is it Chelsea's bad luck to be surrounded by guys who seem to have come straight out of abusively pandering hentai? I really pity this poor girl lol. Wish that there was a way to NTR Lisa away from the bakery manager tbh. Though I do understand why they made it out that way to be "realistic". She just got away from a messy divorce and is possibly in need of a lot of money, thus the reason why she just puts up with whatever shit Keith throws her way.

Cafe is the safer option of the two yes. If you don't want to go down the corrupted route of working at the bar  you can stay at a relatively sfw environment. That said, if you want a lot of dough, going down the corrupted route and working at the bar is the way to go. 

(1 edit)

I haven't tried the track path, yet, though I did try the cheerleading path. Neither appealed to me in RL.

At my RL highschool, most of the boys were misogynistic, so this seems realistic to me - I do feel sorry for Chelsea, and I do relate with her on this. I have always preferred guys like Damian or even Levi. Fewer are misogynistic and usually respect me more than even the non-misogynistic non-geeky guys.

I expected a lot of sexual content in this game, so I don't feel even the corrupted Kate path was overly sexual. Also, the first of the Violet path wasn't sexual until the massage scene and only mildly. And at least what of the dom Violet path I experienced was not sexual. I have a feeling I'm missing some Violet encounters while on the Damian path.

I probably will try the corrupted path at the bar. After all, the end of the corrupted Kate path was quite corrupt.

(Maybe I am somewhat corrupt, but my BF is very happy with me and not trying to change me (only supporting me finding my own path).)

Sorry to hear there were a lot of misogynistic guys in your irl highschool.

Oh I didn't say it was OVERLY sexual, what I said was OVERTLY, which has different meanings altogether ^^; overtly in the context of what I said meant that the route was openly sexual, but not excessive (overly) since even with all the possible booty calls Chelsea can do it doesn't get to a point where "its too much" unlike other games I could name, all of which I manage to stomach so I can't say it bothers me by the definition of how numerous it was, since there were a lot more in other games by comparison.


When will the next update be released? Thank you for the game, its a masterpiece, excited for the next update!

(1 edit)

That scene that appears when you slap Matt and defend Damain... please add a content warning or anything, I know games like that have heavy content, but making it optional or at least being warned (for instance when picking the choices) should be must. Otherwise I really love the plot with Violet and Damain is so cute.

I agree, Damian is cute, good looking and sweet. Most of the RL boys I've dated are like him. I'm enjoying that path. (I play the game when my RL BF is busy with school/work and I'm not.)

With Violet, I've played the "dommy Violet" path. First time, I declined to be her slave and that path ended. Second time, I accepted her offer, but then only rarely encountered Violet and only when bringing her her lunch tray at school.  I plan to try the "subby Violet" path, soon.

As for slapping Matt, I'm not sure what you mean. After I slapped him on the first day of school, I got sent to the principal's office with him and got off with a warning (Matt got detention). After that, I don't recall encountering him again (except comments by other students). When I ignored him grabbing me, I had a few more encounters.

Alex, on the other hand, kept antagonizing Damian in my presence and trying to get me to date him. (If I could have, I would have told-off Alex. No way I'd date him.)

There is an explicit rape scene that happens when you slap Matt and also stand up against Alex.

I didn't get to that. The one time I tired ignoring Matt groping me in class, I simply refused his repeated advances in further encounters. I don't remember why I abandoned that path. No idea what would have lead to a second opportunity to slap him.

I do agree that a warning should be added before a rape scene so it can be skipped.

When entering a name for the Name the Otter contest during the aquarium date with Damian, I got the following error:


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

KeyError: u'seaotter'

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 507, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/event_dispatcher.rpyc", line 297, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Bakery/bakery.rpyc", line 13, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/schoolevents.rpyc", line 67, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/schoolevents.rpyc", line 67, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Bakery/bakery.rpyc", line 13, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Bakery/bakery.rpyc", line 13, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/schoolevents.rpyc", line 67, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 507, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/event_dispatcher.rpyc", line 297, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 438, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/event_dispatcher.rpyc", line 297, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Bakery/bakery.rpyc", line 13, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/shop.rpyc", line 7, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Bakery/bakery.rpyc", line 13, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 507, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/event_dispatcher.rpyc", line 297, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Bakery/bakery.rpyc", line 13, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Town Events/walkevents.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 309, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 358, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/ASEscript.rpyc", line 438, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/event_dispatcher.rpyc", line 297, in script call

  File "fullstartASE/Damien/damien5.rpyc", line 886, in script

  File "renpy/", line 715, in execute

    renpy.exports.say(who, what, *args, **kwargs)

  File "renpy/", line 1393, in say

    who(what, *args, **kwargs)

  File "renpy/", line 1190, in __call__

    what = what_pattern.replace("[what]", sub(what, translate=True))

  File "renpy/", line 1179, in sub

    return renpy.substitutions.substitute(s, scope=scope, force=force, translate=translate)[0]

  File "renpy/", line 270, in substitute

    s = formatter.vformat(s, (), kwargs)

  File "/home/tom/ab/renpy-build/tmp/install.linux-x86_64/lib/python2.7/", line 563, in vformat

  File "/home/tom/ab/renpy-build/tmp/install.linux-x86_64/lib/python2.7/", line 585, in _vformat

  File "/home/tom/ab/renpy-build/tmp/install.linux-x86_64/lib/python2.7/", line 646, in get_field

  File "/home/tom/ab/renpy-build/tmp/install.linux-x86_64/lib/python2.7/", line 605, in get_value

KeyError: u'seaotter'



Uni 0.37.96

Sat Apr 23 03:15:45 2022


Would love to play the game but there is no option to install it from the app

Install instructions are above, before the list of download links. At least on a PC, "installing" is just unzipping to a folder you choose. Pretty painless.

Download the game to your device then extract it.

If it's for Android, download the apk and install it.

I would like to say I appreciate the Chelsea character being both smart and beautiful. And for her being open to bi/lesbian relationships. (I am a bi girl in RL (college student) so I can relate with Chelsea.)

One of the appeals of the game, to me, is being able to "try out" being slutty and mildly corrupt (though I disagree with taking the cupcake being corrupt - or leaving shirt buttons partly unbutton to show a little cleavage being slutty (to me, that's "merely sexy", not slutty)).

I've been enjoying trying the various paths through the game. Currently, the Damian romance. The "mall date" was fun, especially the lingerie shopping (I hope Chelsea soon gets to show off more than a picture to Damian). Looking through the release notes, I see I can look forward to an aquarium date and a homecoming date. Would be nice if the Damian date events triggered faster - was 3 weeks from the festive date (where they become GF/BF) until the mall date (I admit I didn't know the mall date could also be triggered by going to the mall).

Also, noticed there is a Violet as sub path. That sounds interesting despite me not being dom-y.

Also, I think the "path of purity" for the Kate romance path will be fun.

Thanks for this game.

Thanks for playing I'm glad you've been enjoying it so far. The public version does have some bugs that have been ironed out and I'm looking forward to getting 0.41 released to the public soon.

If you focus only on a single character in a playthough then there will be spots of no events with that character since the routes are set up so that they don't interfere and overlap with each other causing trigger issues for the events which would lead to routes no longer progressing. So one week were Damien shows up could be a week where there is a lot of Matt events to take play and vice versa.
Luckily after route locks we'll no longer have to deal with daycount triggers.

(6 edits)

About Kate, after following the slutty route, anything interesting at the cafe seems to stop happening.* (The several slutty scenes with Kate were fun.) Not sure if there's a second chance to switch to the slutty club (not sure if I want to, but I am curious))

*Though my character did get a pay raise.

Things with Violet seemed to end after the "spa date".

Maybe better luck with Alice or Olivia.

About Alice, I encountered her somewhere in the school and she invited me to meet her at the arcade, but nothing happened when school ended.

BTW, on a separate path, I said yes to Damian to be his girlfriend, then after that I rarely encounter him - only had one more date after that - so far.)

And, on a third path, I chose to work at the bakery. There, things stopped being interesting after I declined the boob job.

Other than almost being fired at the cafe, I don't see any way to quit a job - except stop showing up, which seems rude to me. (Just because I decided to play a slutty character doesn't mean she has to be rude, too)

Yes, if you decline dates currently, that will end the character's route.
We do have plans to have the routes continue despite declining dates, with a few extra events.

There are no second chances.
As for Alice, the arcade event was not complete for the public build, but is available in the latest version on Patreon. The public build will be getting updated soon as well so you can wait for that to release if you wish.

(1 edit)

Ok, looking at the comments it seems like a me problem . I just can’t seem to get anything to happen. I got up to Violet’s house for her route, I got Matt to bring me to the principals office. But I never even figured out how to START Kate’s or Damien’s content. I worked at the cafe and left for the bar, but the only Kate scene I ever got there was in the bathroom watching her. She never talked to me after that. I texted everyone all the time, weekends weekdays morning noon night and nothing. School every day, but Violet and Matt ignored me. Then suddenly I’m told I reached the end of the build and I’m at the title screen. Is there a walkthrough or something?

(Also I couldn’t figure out how to go to the arcade to meet Alice. Walking around didn’t work and she never talked to me again after. And I wouldn’t just end the game like that… I still had events left walking around.)

For Damien, you need to help him when is confronted by the bully, Alex.
Then don't turn him down when he asks you out.

For Kate's Romance Route, you need to join the Cafe then not proceed down the corruption path with that. That means not picking choices that are slutty.

As for the Arcade, it triggers immediately after the library scene with Alice, but for the public build it wasn't added in yet.

For Violet and Matt those events are pretty far into their routes and what there is of the current content for those.

(1 edit)

I based how far into the route I am by how many of the CGs I had in the gallery. Are there multiple different ways to do each of their paths or something? For Violet and Matt I was missing a ton of cgs. I still think I didn’t get to the end of their route because it cut off rather suddenly. Kate and Damien I just messed up I suppose.

There are multiple ways to each path in the game. Violet has two paths you can take (Sub/Dom) for Matt he can show up in other routes based on the choices you make as well.

I see. Thanks for letting me know.


Okay I've loved this game all the way through so far: the art, the dialogue, the interactions between characters and unique interactions based on your relationship, some of the ridiculously wholesome side characters, the realistic depiction of the PC's pain over the loss of her parents, and so much more. But hands down my favourite scene, even prompting me to write this review, is the interaction between matt and violet. Essentially I'm playing a complete sub and am in a romance with matt, vi, and Damien but I've wanted a way out of the thing with matt for a while. I was 'in too deep' as it were. i felt things had gone too far around the pet play part and I felt absolutely awful for Damien but, with matt's blackmail, I had to just go along with it. Then out of nowhere, on a date with vi, she finds out and is really mad (which scared me at first) but then there's the scene where she absolutely destroys matt with blackmail of her own and... well I audibly screamed. It was just beautiful. I'm so excited to continue playing, keep up the amazing work <3

You can also use the mafia favor that you gain from the guys you meet at Karaoke on Matt to deal with him for a different outcome.

Glad to see that the game has been this enjoyable for you despite it's incomplete state. We'll try to continue to live up to your expectations for it! :D


I love how everyone in the comments hate Matt so much that either you want to avoid him completely or you want him severely injured or humiliated in the most satisfying way as possible. You know when the creator done a great job making Matt so hateable.    

He does also have a large amount of fans as well. It's enjoyable seeing the various opinions on Matt.


(2 edits) (+1)

really love the game so far. not sure if its a bug, but if you break up with Kate because she wants to keep your relationship a secret (for me day 58), Violet will appear in the cafe the next day (for me day 59) acting very jealous of Kate, even if you only went to lunch with her once and nothing else. think this is a bug because the MC says something to the effect of "not being able to live my double life much longer" even though I'm not in a relationship with either of them. Also, Kate's story is so heart wrenching if you're not nice, makes its hard for the completionist in me to be mean to her, really well written.

Edit: apparently this can happen even if you don't break up with Kate. wasn't able to replicate it but when it happened I got the normal end of play through instead of the current end of Kate route


Yes it's a bug with the conflict events that was the issue where they would trigger despite not actually being in a relationship with that character.
This has been fixed in the latest version and will be in the next public version.

recently tried a new playthrough on 37.96

kate's line died off (idk if i maybe failed something but events stopped happening) but i kept getting the messages about her & the internal conflict of *cough* dating basically everyone *cough*

two things, first: 
i like kate & want to see more of her route, so i'd guess some others might too & it's not all that clear (possibly intentionally?) when the cut-off for getting onto that route is (which in itself is fine imo),  but it took me quite a bit of reload-go-forward-reload-try again to get there,  which wasn't all that satisfying bc it's hard to see if you've left a route aside from simply never getting another event proc... maybe a 'relationships' screen would solve that?  even if it didn't have anything beyond a tick/route lost indication it'd be helpful for people trying to find & stay on specific routes  :)

the other:
 it'd be a lot of work but...  if someone depraved (like me) tries to go every route at once,  perhaps some new options/dialogue/thoughts for someone not into monogamy?  poly people do exist & it might be interesting to add character's reactions & storylines to that player option? 

love the game,  great artwork & lovely writing.  keep it up!

(1 edit)

can i ask a question? the android port.

is there a game music or sounds to it because when i play there isn't. is it because of the new versions of phone? i know there's problems when playing VN on newer versions of phone these days

Currently there is only the main menu music.
We have plans to add in sound effects and other soundtracks, but right now our budget isn't focused on it.

is there any sound at all? like ambient noise or moaning or anything? That's the main reason I haven't played this yet.

oh my god this game was so surprisingly good

and kate is so wholesome i literally cannot stop smiling when i do her route

Kate is certainly a favorite! :D

Anyone have the discord link ?


Deleted 2 years ago

I hop you and the rest of the devs are doing well, staying safe, and I wish you all the best. This is one of my favorite Visual Novels I've Ever Played, and I look forward to what is planned


Thank you for the praise! Glad to hear that you've enjoyed the game so much.
Next public build will be 0.42 coming in a few months.

im sorry, this isnt a review or anything but... i just wanna talk about it. spoiler warning for matt route:












UMM?? I got so scared when I saw his ass beat. Not that I like him or anything, hell no, but I wasn't expecting THAT. Oh my god, haha. My heart dropped when I first saw it but im sort of glad, he deserved it.


That is a bit of a bug in the game where that event will trigger despite the chain meant to setup not being played through. It's been fixed in the latest version of the game though.

Really enjoy it. Love the storyline and  scenarios set up for our protagonist (main character, MC, whatever you call it).

There is a bug that after you go to sleep, few lines of some scenarios (not yet encounter) suddenly pop up that I have to click through them. Then you wake up as normal.

I think this is still a demo right? Do you plan to release it on Steam? 


is there anyway to completely avoid all matt (blackmail content)


Scream and slap him on the first day




This isn't a bot or anything, i LITERALLY just created this account JUST to say this game is a MASTERPIECE. I'm itching for another update (get it? Itch? ill shut up now) Hizor, who ever you are, You deserve to win the lottery or have an expensive steak every dinner for free. No game topped UNI


I can think of a few...

But Uni certainly is among the best


Damn, thanks for the high praise! It's humbling to hear that you've been enjoying the game so much. Hopefully, we'll continue to live up to the expectations you have for us.

I really like the game, the art is gorgeous, I just wanted to ask if non-abusive hetero-bdsm routes are planned/possible?


There is one that is planned that isn't abusive, though it'll be a long while before we get to it.

(1 edit)

Hi! i love the game, but i wanna play on my PC and i use the itch app, but it can't download games if it uses a third party website.

Understandable, but we will not be changing the download methods for some time.

Ok that's perfectly fine 


I have two questions for you

1- When will the new version come?

2- I can't see some scenes while playing the game. what is the reason for this?

Thank you very much in advance.


The public version is updated every 6 months. The most recent public version was an exception due to bugs.
The Patreon version is updated every month.

Those are scenes that don't have CG scenes yet. We add more every month.


On behalf of Chinese players, I wish you a happy lunar New Year.I like your game very much, especially the Yuri part. I like both Kate and violet very much. There are many players like me in ChinaI sincerely hope you can add Chinese translation for your games. Many game lovers in China can't play your games because of language problems. I think you should know that there are few excellent adult games with Yuri content like you on the Internet. There are many players in China. If you can add Chinese translation or even Google (machine) Chinese translation to your game, I believe there will be more sponsors of your game. I look forward to updating more Yuri content in your game. I also wish your game better and better. We also look forward to your full version on the steam platform. I hope you can adopt my suggestions. 

Thank you


We're definitely considering a Chinese Translation for the game, however, it is not feasible for us at this time to provide translations.

I will consider looking into machine translation for it, but those can be rather unreliable.

Thank you very much for your reply and look forward to your future updates

I also look forward to the day when you update your Chinese translation in the future

(2 edits) (-1)

Hello and I wish you a nice day,

I think the game is great and funny, I especially like the fact that you can try out how far you would go in a certain situation and what consequences you draw from the decisions. I think the game was done really well.

I especially love the Damien route, I think he's so cute and nice, he's definitely my type. However, I have a question about Damien's picture gallery: After the ball or after bowling, if you refuse to go to the Dance, you have sex with Damien and then I only ever get the pictures where she is lying on the couch, But I've completed the gallery in the cheat mode to see which pictures I'm still missing, so I noticed that there is another variant of the couch scene in which Damien is sitting and she is kneeling over him. Is this a random result or is there a way to bring it about? 

I always get the one version where she's lying on the couch, but without the picture where Damien takes off her panties and his clothes. Is this a bug of not showing this image or is this a random result? Or can this be summoned somehow?

I would also be interested to know if you can meet Damien's mother, because he mentions it or that you can visit him in the holidays.

I would like to ask one small question or wish: Would it be possible to visit friends in your free time instead of walking around town? I'd like to do more with Damien or Kate, or set up a meeting over the phone. I think it would be a shame if you play in freeplay mode with, for example, 100 days that nothing happens anymore.

Keep up the great game, it's really fun

Kind regards


Hello, Sayoko
Damien has different scenes depending on if you bought the underwear or not in the mall event with him and if you went to the dance with him.

We are working on adding friend groups in the game with Kenzie and Alice, though the development of that content will be on hiatus for a period of time, and later down the line once you've locked in your routes with certain characters you'll be able to hang out with them more as your relationship advances. The game is still currently in development and will take a while to get to the stages that we want.

Thank you very much for your answer :)

Okay, I woud try it again :D

That sounds great ^^

Thank you :)

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