Uni 0.55.118 Released!


Uni 0.55.118

  • -Added 15 New Bakery Events Post Route-lock.
  • -Added intelligence drain after a certain point in the bakery.
  • -Added Damien Bedroom CG Scene.
  • -Added Damien School Kiss CG Scene.
  • -Added Country Club Background.
  • -Added House Party Background.
  • -Added House Party Pool Background.
  • -Added Ice Rink Background.
  • -Added Record Store Background
  • -Added 2 Country Club Girl Silouette Sprites.
  • -Added Leon Sprite.
  • -Updated and Remade Mr. Harley Sprite.
  • -Updated and Remade Principal Sprite.
  • -Updated and Remade Lisa Sprite.
  • -Added Party Music Track
  • -Currently working on fixing sprite scaling so some sprites will look proportionally off compared to others.
  • -Includes all Fixes & Additions present in 0.54

Uni 0.54.117 - Public Demo

  • -Added trigger to a Matt event to ensure it only triggers when you have been on Matt's route.
  • Added new Kate conflict scene depending on if you already had a conflict beforehand
  • -Fixed a issue with a Violet lunch event in regards to Matt depending on your choices.
  • -Additional tension music queues added.
  • -Should no longer be able to text characters that you're no longer in a relationship with.
  • -Fixed Damien Homecoming Sprites appearing over the CG scene.
  • -Unified Ms. Vicky's name across the game.
  • -Fixed violet date invite trigger priority to prevent other events from blocking it.
  • -Fixed a bug where staying to help Kate with cupcakes would skip the homecoming event. Should now prevent Nathan and Damien's routes from breaking.
  • -Fixed comments on Chelsea's hair being blonde after you have quit and redyed it.
  • -Fixed Carwash event taking two time slots instead of one. (Potentially causing a route-block)
  • -Fixed alicemet variable being set to false.
  • -Fixed the day not ending after the bar routelock.
  • -Fixed a relationship mix up when telling Nathan you're dating Violet.
  • -Fixed a moment in the bookstore event with Nathan where the game still thinks you're with Matt even if you're not.
  • -Altered the wording in a Matt/Bar conflict event.
  • -Altered the wording in the Matt Subspace event.
  • -Fixed bar events taking priority over Nathan homecoming event causing it to not trigger.
  • -Moved Violet's Dom CG Scene in the bar from the bar tab to the Violet tab in the CG Gallery.
  • -Fixed Kate's Routelock CG scene not showing up in the gallery.
  • -Fixed Damien's Dinner CG scene not showing up in the gallery.
  • -Damien's name not appearing in some of his dialogue.
  • -Removed repeated line in Matt's sex scene on the way to a date with Kate.
  • -Damien Aquarium CG background added at the end of the cg so the sprites aren't over the CG.
  • -Corrected timings when talking to Nathan about Damiens status after certain events.
  • -Altered the timings for Kate conflict events.

Phew! Now that is a hell of a update! We didn't manage to finish everything we were working on for the 0.55 update, but that will all come in 0.56 where we will have plenty of more time to test things and get all the new stuff properly tested.

15 New Bakery events among other things like an additional Kate conflict scene depending on if she has caught you dating someone else already. It's great finally moving past a route lock and into the meat of the content for all these characters, while we don't have CG Scenes for the new Bakery content yet we hope that you enjoy what we do have so far in writing.


Mostly updated sprites, lots of backgrounds that were in the backlog for a while that recently were finished, and more Damien CG Scenes as we creep closer to finishing up his CG Content.

So many fixes that I think we may have missed listing a few on here. We tightened up the random events that could block route progression so a route that might have stopped continuing in a previous playthrough could continue now!

There's a lot more that I want to talk about, but it's getting pretty late here and a lot of it would be better left to the upcoming Plans post that I'll try to get to you guys on Monday should all go well and no major bugs come up that we'll need to patch.

Thank you all for your love and support so far!

Hizor Games

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Deleted 21 days ago



Can u guys made premium edition and make that one free?

راf I want play last version I need to pay?

might have to re-download


25 dollars is hefty :/

(2 edits) (+1)

We believe it's a pretty fair price due to the amount of content that is in the game. Especially when there is more content than the $40+ VNs you'll find on Steam.

Though if you wanted you could join the Patreon and get access to the latest version for $6.

So, do I have to pay $6 every time a new update drops on Patreon, or is there a steam version?

On Steam would be the same price as Itch.
On Patreon you would have to pay $6 per update release, but you also get access to content updates showing new upcoming art and development posts.